This is a great place to tell your story and give people more insight into who you are, what you do, and why it’s all about you.

Avner Avraham, Lieutenant Colonel, former ‘Mossad’ officer.
A world-renowned expert in Mossad operations, lecturer, exhibition and films producer and curator, writer.
Particularly known for activities around “Operation Finale”: The Story of Eichmann's Capture and Trial. A senior advisor to the Hollywood film "Operation Finale" filmed in Argentina. Also known for the exhibition on” Operation Entebbe” (Operation Yonatan).
Avner holds a bachelor's degree in computer and a master's degree (cum laude) in business administration and entrepreneurship.
Graduated (cum laude) in Museology and curatorial studies at Tel-Aviv University.
In the past, served as a Major in the IDF, and as a detective in the Israel Police (on a volunteer basis, the commander of a detective unit).
Avner edits and broadcasts a weekly radio program on the Israeli radio, which deals with culture and art. He is engaged in abstract and pop-art painting.
Curator and producer of conceptual spy and art exhibitions, combining music performances.
Picture by danny kitri